
From zero to eleven

Jussi Hallila / @Xantier

Selling points

Beautiful Syntax

Succinct yet expressive
// file: Beaut.kt
data class Lunch(val bread: String, val topping: String)
val yumyum = Lunch("Toast", "Avocado")
fun main(args: Array<String>){
    val buyHouse: (Lunch) -> Unit = {
        val (_, topping) = it
            "Avocado" -> println("Not a chance")
            else -> println("Hmmm... still probably no")

// Not a chance

Superior Type Inference

Just enough

var str: String = "Text"
val str = "String"
fun sideEffects() {
    println("Returning Unit -> no need for type")
fun expressiveFunc() = "Return type String, as is known"
fun explicit(): String {
    return "Making the return type explicit"

Full Java Interoperability

public class Interop {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final Lunch lunch = BeautKt.getYumyum();
        System.out.println("I had "
        + lunch.getTopping()
        + " on "
        + lunch.getBread()
        + " for lunch.");
// I had avocado on toast for lunch.

Null Safety

public String doSomething(String arg1, String arg2, ...){
	if (arg1 == null) {
 		throw new IllegalArgumentException("arg1 == null");
	if (arg2 == null) {
 		throw new IllegalArgumentException("arg1 == null");
	// Etc
	// Finally do something
	at com.something.doSomething(Something.java:42)
	at com.someframework.doThatThing(ThingDoer.java:13)
	at org.application.service.letsHopeThisWorks(HopeBuildsSoftware.java:666)

Null Safety

class TopShelf(val drinks: List<String>?)

fun main(args: Array<String>){
    val monday = TopShelf(null)
* Error Kotlin: Only safe (?.) or non-null asserted (!!.)
* calls are allowed on a nullable receiver of type List<String>?

println(monday.drinks?.get(0)) // This is grand
// null


  • Jetbrains native citizen - Kotlin <3 IntelliJ
  • Native in Android Studio as well
  • Build processes click in place with Maven & Gradle (and Ant)
  • Plugins to Eclipse (official), Sublime, Atom, Vim
  • Magical intellisense out of the box

High level laws of Kotlin


  • Classes final by default
  • vals final by default
  • open keyword to make classes extendable


  • 1 file, multiple definitions
  • top-level, essentially global, functions & values
  • Decompiled to a class by filename and static vars/funcs


  • Everything is public by default
  • Modifiers: private, internal, protected

Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Basic syntax

Classes, Interfaces and Objects

class EmptyClass
interface MarkerInterface
class WithConstructor(val value: String): MarkerInterface
class WithMembers(val value: String) {
    fun doFun() = "Fun!"
object Singleton {
    val staticity = "Not Quite, but close"
class Companied {
    companion object {
        val truly = "Static, truly static"
} // Companied.truly

Classes, Interfaces and Objects

object initialized{
    val thing: String
    init {
        thing = "Hello"
class LateBloomer{
    lateinit var thang: String
    fun doTheInit(str: String){
        thang = str
    lateinit var thong: String
    lateinit var gString: String

Data Classes

data class Covfefe(val first: String, val second: String)
data class -> toString, equals, hashCode, copy

val (america, finland) = Covfefe("America", "Finland")

Data Classes

public final class Covfefe {
   private final String first;
   private final String second;

   public final String getFirst() {
      return this.first;

   public final String getSecond() {
      return this.second;

   public Covfefe(@NotNull String first, @NotNull String second) {
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(first, "first");
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(second, "second");
      this.first = first;
      this.second = second;

   public final String component1() {
      return this.first;

   public final String component2() {
      return this.second;

   public final Covfefe copy(@NotNull String first, @NotNull String second) {
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(first, "first");
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(second, "second");
      return new Covfefe(first, second);

   public String toString() {
      return "Covfefe(first=" + this.first + ", second=" + this.second + ")";

   public int hashCode() {
      return (this.first != null?this.first.hashCode():0) * 31 + (this.second != null?this.second.hashCode():0);

   public boolean equals(Object var1) {
      if(this != var1) {
         if(var1 instanceof Covfefe) {
            Covfefe var2 = (Covfefe)var1;
            if(Intrinsics.areEqual(this.first, var2.first) && Intrinsics.areEqual(this.second, var2.second)) {
               return true;

         return false;
      } else {
         return true;

Sealed Classes

sealed class NextBigThing
data class PiperChat(val pakistaniDenzel: String): NextBigThing()
data class PiedPiper(val weissmanScore: String): NextBigThing()

When matching

val matchable: NextBigThing = fetchBigThing()
  is PiperChat -> println("Creepy Videochat")
  is PiedPiper -> println("New Internet")
  else -> println("nope")

when, if, try = expressions

val drivingForce = when(matchable){
    is PiperChat -> matchable.pakistaniDenzel
    is PiedPiper -> matchable.weissmanScore
val carDoors = if(matchable is PiperChat) {
} else {
val payingRent = try {
} catch (ex: InsultException){
    // Swallow ex
    "aFat and aPoor"


Fun, Fun, Fun

val funType: (num: Int) -> Int = {num -> num * num}
val funType2: (Int) -> Int = {it * it}
val funfunType: (Int, (Int) -> Int) -> Int = { num, func ->
    func(num) * func(num)
inline fun <S, reified T> inliner(other: S, typed: T) {
    if (other is T) {
        print("Same Types")

Infix and operator functions

data class PiperChat(val pakistaniDenzel: String): NextBigThing() {
    operator fun plus(internet: PiedPiper) = when(pakistaniDenzel){
        "fired" -> internet
        else -> this
sealed class NextBigThing {
    infix fun until(num: Int) = when(this) {
        is PiedPiper -> weissmanScore.toInt() - num
        is PiperChat -> 2 - num
val games = PiedPiper("23")
var eye = 2
val `fun` = PiperChat("Dinesh")
val scoreOrEyeCount: Int = `fun` + games until --eye

Extension functions

  • Adding functionality to existing classes
  • Removes the need for util classes completely
  • Resolved statically
  • Can't be used to override existing funs



val lamdba = { arg: Int ->
    arg * arg
/* val lambda = */ {it: Int -> it * it }
fun macbook(func: () -> Unit) = func()
macbook({ println("trash") })
macbook{ println("trash") }
fun isTrashbook(make: Int, func: (Int) -> Boolean): Boolean =
val isTrash = isTrashbook(2016) {
    it == 2016

Collections & Extensions


  • Wrappers around Java collections
  • Mutable and Immutable versions
  • Sequences for lazy evaluated collections
  • Usual suspects:
    • Lists
    • Arrays
    • Sets
    • Maps

Collection Extensions

  • Maps, Filters, Reducers, FlatMaps, Zippers
  • Addition and Subtraction copies of immutables
  • Predicates to check collection state
  • Takes, Drops, Finds, First/Last for accessing elements
  • etc.

Extension functions


  • Possible to have a nullable receiver with ?
  • Also extension properties
  • Can be declared as members of a class
  • Can be used as a function argument

Extension examples

fun String.uberized() = this + ", bro"
println("what's up".uberized()) // what's up, bro 

fun String?.uberized() = (this ?: "No way") + ", mo"
val str: String? = null
println(str.uberized()) // No way, mo

val String.fine: String
    get() = "a dumpster fire"
fun String.`is`(situation: String) = this + "is $fine"
println("uber".`is`("".fine)) // uber is a dumpster fire

Lambdas with receivers

From stdLib

fun <T, R> T.let(f: (T) -> R): R = f(this)
// nullableVar?.let { print(it.someValue) }
fun <T> T.apply(f: T.() -> Unit): T { f(); return this }
// javaBean.apply { this.beanField1 = "First field" } 
fun <T, R> with(receiver: T, f: T.() -> R): R = receiver.f()
// with(imperativo) { dothis() doThat() }
fun <T, R> T.run(f: T.() -> R): R = f()
// "str".run { this + "otherStr" } 
fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T { block(this); return this }
// javaBean.also { it.beanField2 = "Second Field" }  

Typesafe DSLs


data class Pizza(val name: String,
    var toppings: List<Topping> = emptyList(),
    val price: Int = 0)

interface Topping {
    val name: String
    val unitPrice: Int

abstract class BaseTopping(override val name: String,
    override val unitPrice: Int = 0): Topping {
    var amount: Int = 0
    operator fun plus(that: Topping): List<Topping> =
        listOf(this, that)

Typesafe DSLs


class Cheese: BaseTopping("Cheese") {
    override val unitPrice: Int
        get() = 3
class Ananas: Topping("Ananas"){
    override val unitPrice = 4
class Anchovy: Topping("Anchovy"){
    override val unitPrice = 6

Typesafe DSLs


fun Pizza.`with`(topper: () -> List<Topping>): Pizza =
    apply { toppings = topper() }

infix fun Int.of(topping: BaseTopping): BaseTopping =
    topping.also { it.amount = this }
fun order(name: String, hoef: Pizza.() -> Pizza) =

Typesafe DSLs

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    order("Kotlinante") { // (name, Pizza.() -> Pizza) -> Pizza
        `with` { // this == our Kotlinante pizza
            (3 of Cheese()) +
            (2 of Anchovy()) +
            (2 of Ananas())
        // listOf(Cheese(amount=3), Anchovy(amt=2), Ananas(amt=2))
// Pizza(name=Kotlinante, toppings=[Cheese@279f2327,
// Anchovy@2ff4acd0, Ananas@54bedef2], price=0)



  • Built-in delegation pattern
  • Can be used to implement interfaces
  • Property getting and setting by delegation

Standard library helpers

class Sloth {
    val timeToSleep: Boolean by lazy {
class NosyNeighbour {
    var shoppingTrip: Groceries by observable(Groceries()) {
        _, previousGroceries: Groceries, newGroceries: Groceries ->
            println("""Again he bought more craft beer.
    I believe he is a beer connoisseur, not an alcoholic.""")
    }  // property: KProperty<*>
class Wifey {
    var shoppingTrip: Groceries by vetoable(Groceries()) {
        _, previousGroceries: Groceries, newGroceries: Groceries ->

Manual delegation


data class Pizza(val name: String,
    var toppings: List<Topping> = emptyList()) {
        val price: Int by PriceCalculator()
        override fun toString() =
            "name=$name, price=$price, toppings=$toppings"
class PriceCalculator : ReadOnlyProperty<Pizza, Int> {
    override fun getValue(thisRef: Pizza, property: KProperty<*>) =
        thisRef.toppings.fold(0) { acc, it ->
            acc + it.unitPrice
// Pizza(name=Kotlinante, toppings=[Cheese@3caeaf62,
// Anchovy@e6ea0c6, Ananas@6a38e57f], price=13)                 

Manual delegation


interface Topping {
    val name: String
    val unitPrice: Int
abstract class BaseTopping(val priceProvider: Topping)
    : Topping by priceProvider {
    var amount: Int = 0
    operator fun plus(that: Topping): List<Topping> =
        listOf(this, that)
    override fun toString() =
        "{name=$name, price=$unitPrice, amount=$amount}"

Class level delegation

class PriceAndNameProvider(override val name: String,
    override val unitPrice: Int): Topping
class Cheese : BaseTopping(PriceAndNameProvider("Cheese", 3))
class Ananas : BaseTopping(PriceAndNameProvider("Ananas", 4))
class Anchovy : BaseTopping(PriceAndNameProvider("Anchovy", 6))

val BaseTopping.price: Int
    get() = unitPrice * amount
// { acc, it ->
//    acc + (it as BaseTopping).price
// } 

Typesafe delegated higher order lambdas with receivers DSL

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    order("Kotlinante") {
        `with` {
            (3 of Cheese()) +
            (2 of Anchovy()) +
            (2 of Ananas())
// name=Kotlinante, price=29, toppings=
//   [{name=Cheese, price=3, amount=3},
//    {name=Anchovy, price=6, amount=2},
//    {name=Ananas, price=4, amount=2}]

Kotlin 1.1

  • Type aliases
  • Coroutines
  • Javascript support

How Do I sell this beauty to the management?

  • Java interoperability
  • Safety
  • Cheap investment
  • Easeness

Java interoperability

All already familiar frameworks work out of the box.
Many frameworks!


The Compiler helps us a lot more than in Java.
Safe like a wall!

Cheap investment

It just works.
There is no need to rewrite anything, existing codebase can remain untouched and adding it to a project is literally a three click operation.


If you know Java, you'll learn Kotlin in few days, guaranteed.
So easy!

It is more fun

Once you go Kotlin,

your fun will be Dublin


Slides / Code examples